Sunday, November 22, 2020


Yes, as in the schematic — ground the negative supply, the flyback and its ferrite core all to mains earth. I have the gate soldered to the resistor and then to pin 3. November 22, at I am using a org …. The sound quality is low due to the way the audio modulation is implemented. By continuing to use this site, you are consenting to our use of cookies. But on the bright side I got an arc!!!!
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June 20, at Where is the problem in my system? Tell me, what another DST can I use? This keeps happening, the only solution that worked before was to just rebuild the circuit.

Flyback driver #2: NE555 quasi-resonant

Find a local store if you just want single pieces of electronics, but if you are getting into power electronics then it is not a bad idea to invest in a load of timers and some mosfets from hong kong ebayers, here is a seller that I have used a couple of times, good prices and service.

Also, use mains ground PE. But on the bright side I got an arc!!!! I thought that was good too but there is 2 cpu heat sinks 1 either side of the FET and siver nano cpu grease with a cpu fan keeping it cool.

Flyback driver #2: NE quasi-resonant – BOGIN, JR.

Hello Bear I think the 12V 2A supply is just about minimum at maximum duty cycle, I could make pull down the supply at certain points. Use a pure pwm configutarion, why?

I plug my earphone to the output and I can hear the audio clearly, but I can hear just a noise after the signal passes through the 50r gate resistor.

Can you tell me how many turns of wire did you put in the flyback? I got an arc actually!! Any ideas for better sound quality?

555 Audio modulated flyback

I looked in Google for Plasma Tweeter Circuit and found it. The quasi-resonant topology But to say the least, the first driver I have built with this modlated had an AC flyback and an input power supply rated just 60 watts. You got down to the essence of the problem and this is also written in that start of this article, the is grossly underrated for driving a MOSFET gate, it really should have help from a transistor pair or a gate drive IC.

I have tried some different frequencies but still the same. I did put a little heatsink and is working fine at least for 2 minutes of continuous operation generating Ozone.

Hello Aiden Using the original primary windings would require that you do not exceed the driving specifications of the primary coil, you will risc internal arcing that will lead to the destruction of your old and precious flyback transformer.

The only strange thing is that when I connect the mosfet the amplitude of the waveform across the primary is only a v amplitude as opposed to the one between gate and ground which is about 11 using a 3s lipo as a power source.

For plasma globes, high voltage multipliers and such, use the old AC flybacks described in the article. Mine i heard music a a terrible screech. Replace the chip and disconnect the FET with the audoi, see if you are getting any square wave on the third pin. And npn collector to 12v supply, pnp collector to 0v.

Thanks for the fast replies! Also other people reading this, Modulahed did you use to power this? Neverthelessif you overvolt the diodes especially with cheap small flybacksthe flyback will eventually fail even if they are forward-biased. I built this circuit with a 12v 6 amp power supply. Your timer configuration did not produce a square wave at the output and conducted all the time instead. Hi Teslafan I am modulatex about the iron core E iron there is inside the primary coil and secondary coil, this will absorb a lot of the energy.

Fewer turns, lower frequency and lower cap values such as nF are going to produce over 60 kV out of a DST flyback with ease; more turns, higher frequency and higher capacity up to 1 uF will yield smaller output voltage with more current. Or if you want to be absolutely sure you could make a multiplier, e. September 30, at Sorry, I forgot one thing more, that configuration of the schematic it is not a pure pwm because the frequency is modified too in the control voltage pin of the number 5 Use a pure pwm configutarion, why?

I also am using a garden lead acid Baterry.

Good day to all This monster generates DC?

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